Construction planning
Let us help you with temporary power and lighting
Does your construction or rental company need help planning temporary power for a coming construction project? Together with you, we draw up a proposed solution for your lighting and temporary power – completely free of charge. We can also offer a complete quotation for all the materials you may need for your project. We support you from the initial planning through to the completion of the construction phase.

How does it work?
The documentation we need from you depends on your needs. If you only need help with the lighting, we need your floor plans together with any construction site layout plans. If you also want the planning to include temporary construction site distribution cabinets, we need details of the power supply available from your energy company and to know whether there’ll be any portable cabins, and if so, how many. We also need to know whether you’ll be using construction cranes, construction hoists or anything else that should be considered in our planning.
If you’re unsure, please don’t hesitate to contact us. No project is too complex for us!

A typical example
The image here is an example of one of our construction plans. In this case, we included a current transformer, three 48 V emergency lamp, 21 pcs 48 V construction site lamps and the necessary cables. We always begin the circuit with a current transformer to power the lighting and an emergency lamp (green) by the stairwell or emergency exit. Should a fire start or the power fail, anyone in the building needs to be able to exit quickly. Here, the emergency lamp provides a great sense of security in the event of such an incident. At the top of the plan, we also always summarise the materials we’ve suggested for each floor (if there are several) to make everything as clear as possible for you.
Flexibe and energy efficient alternatives
Depending on the layout and the state of the building, naturally needs vary. As an example, for a larger project with many lighting sources, we recommend a current transformer with a timer. The lighting is then automatically switched on and off according to your preferences or needs at the construction site, which can save both time and money as you optimise your electricity consumption. In this example, we have a relatively small building, so our work lamp is the best option. In, say, industrial properties with many corridors, LED strips often work better. We always tailor our suggestions to offer you the safest possible work environment.

Your partner for construction planning and installation solutions
Our construction planning service is a flexible solution that enables us to help you with all types of construction projects. These could be anything from apartment buildings through larger warehousing and industrial properties to sports halls and schools. Once the initial construction phase is completed, GARO can also offer solutions for the remaining project phases. Distribution cabinets, meter cabinets and wallboxes are just a few examples of simple and safe turnkey solutions that GARO can offer as a supplier.
Contact us
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